Anna Dusza
Anna Dusza is the designer of her brand ANNA DUSZA, co-creator of the AVA Collective and designer at Made by Anatomy. She is a Buffalo native who grew up with a love for art and fashion. In 2016, she graduated from Buffalo State University, with a bachelor's degree in apparel design. Shortly after graduating, she started her brand and began participating in local fashion shows and connecting with the creative community. She creates pieces that make her happy, and often incorporates pattern mixing and explores different design techniques. As part of the slow fashion movement, Anna creates small batch clothing and tries to be as wastefree as possible. Using natural, secondhand, or scrap fabric at every opportunity. Anna's focus is on being able to create what she wants while simultaneously being conscious of her impact on the environment.
Anna Dusza, Designer
IG: byannadusza 
Buffalo Mag Feature 2023: Buffalo Mag